Microdermabrasion – MicroHydrabrasion
Treatments to restore youthful blemish free skin
When was the last time you woke one morning with an unexpected blemish? Or came close to a mirror and caught sight of those blackheads that seem to get bigger as the days past? Why won’t your cleanser (that’s meant to clean your skin) stop you from breaking out? The truth is your skin is not flat. It has pores and follicles that go deep into the skin. Dirt, oil and dead skin all get trapped and blockages occur. Blackheads, pimples even “blind” sore pimples / cysts are all caused from build-up.
MicroDermabrasion / MicroHydrabrasion is a system that exfoliates the skin with diamonds tips while simultaneously vacuuming and washing it. The treatment is all about deep cleansing of the skin to ensure unexpected blemishes don’t happen.
We use the more effective diamond tipped head machine rather than the crystal versions which can scratch and irritate the surface of the skin. Diamonds gently remove dead skin build up, gradually refine and reduce dead skin revealing soft, new flawless skin which is ideal to reduce breakouts and blackheads. This treatment leaves smooth results for perfect make up coverage.
Facial Offer
Pre-purchase 5 facials & get the 6th FREE
Mini MicroDermabrasion
Designed as a course of treatments to achieve intense exfoliation targeting the elimination of dead skin cells and compacted blackheads whilst brightening the skin and minimising lines. (45 mins)
Hydrabrasion exfoliation (with Facial)
Experience the exfoliating efficiency of MicroHydrabrasion with one of our more traditional specialised facials.
MicroDermabrasion & MicroHydrabrasion
The newest way to ensure you have the cleanest possible skin. MicroHydrabrasion is a system that exfoliates the skin with diamonds while simultaneously vacuuming and washing it. (60 – 75 mins)
Light Stim
LightStim LED Light Therapy emits specific light wavelengths to boost collagen and elastin production, reduce inflammation, speed healing, increase circulation, and destroy acne bacteria. The UV-free light energises cells and stimulates the body’s natural process to build new proteins and regenerate cells. It is painless and can be used on all skin types. (60 – 75 mins)
EXPRESS LightStim treatments also available – from $60
LuminFusion / Dermalogica Pro Pen
LuminFusion is a supercharged skin service which takes luminosity to a whole new level and draws on the use of nano-infusion with the Dermalogica Pro Pen and Dermalogica’s professional-grade exfoliants and masques. This unique approach with exfoliation stacking, nano-infusion technology, and LED light therapy:- Improves skin luminosity, Smooths fine lines and wrinkles, and Instantly reveals radiant skin. (60 – 75 mins)